// SUMMER 2021

Indiana Bully Pits

Hello Puppy Love!

The Seven are the first litter for Bullypit Mom Bella. Both parents are fully registered and papered American Bully tricolors.

There are 3 girls in the litter. Two champagne tricolors, and one dark/lilac with brindle forearms. The boys barely outnumber the girls, with 2 champagne and 2 lavender blue coats.

Mom Bella is a beautiful 2-year-old American Bully with a sweet and playful demeanor. Bully Dad Kano shows off his more exotic features.

Baby Bullies 2021

Born July 5th, these bullypits are growing quickly! Their delightful personalities are already becoming distinct.


bullypit boy 3 blue
Bullypit Boy 4
Bullypit Boy 1 Aqua
bullypit boy 2 stone


bullypit girl pink
bullypit girl violet
Bullypit Girl Yellow

The Seven, 3 Belles & 4 Beaus

Meet Our Three Belles

Little Belle Daisy

There's no way around it this girl is pretty much a twin to her brother Aqua. As the only female with a deep lilac-blue coat and a bit of brindle on her paws, miss Daisy is a treasure.

Tricolor Bullypit Girl Puppy

Social Belle Violet

If it weren't for her distinctly social and empathetic nature you might mistake her for one of her brothers.

Bold Belle Pink

This tricolor girl may have been the last to arrive on the scene but she's been a first at everything since.

Bullypit girl 3 Pink

Meet Our Four Beaus

Aqua Beaux

This blue tricolor boy is nearly identical to his tricolor sister Daisy. His bully face is as cute as it gets.

Stone Beaux

This silver-fawn tricolor boy is one part chill and two parts fun. He absolutely knows how to entertain himself and others. He even taught himself to log roll down the hill just so he could giggle and do it again.

Bullypit Boy 2 Stone
BullyPit Boy 3 Big Blue

Blue Beaux

Big Blue is superbly cool and confident. As the biggest male of the litter he has no problem keeping up with his adventurous sister Pink or chilling out next to you and watching the action.

Silver Beaux

This tricolor boy looks very similar to his brother and sister (Stone and Violet) with a slightly paler champagne silver. He's an absolute cuddler who loves towels fresh out of the dryer.

Bullypit Boy 4

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We look forward to sharing more great pics soon! For more info on the pups email Trevor at [email protected]